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Thank you for your interest in becoming an Access Services notetaker. As a notetaker, you will support a student's learning by providing clear and accurate notes of material presented during class lectures. Please read through the following information carefully so that you can have a complete understanding of the process.

Notetaking Process

The first step to becoming a notetaker is to register online through the 赌钱app可以微信提现 myAccess Portal. Select "Sign Up as a Notetaker." You will be prompted to enter in your 赌钱app可以微信提现 Student ID and password (the same that you use for your 赌钱app可以微信提现 email and Canvas).

Important! Filling out this information does not mean that you have been assigned as a notetaker. You will be informed via 赌钱app可以微信提现 Stumail if we have matched you with a notetaking assignment. Please check your 赌钱app可以微信提现 Stumail inbox regularly.

If you have any difficulty with the application, please email the notetaker staff for assistance.

Please read your notetaker contract carefully, as it outlines important information and your payment information.

After you have received confirmation of your assignment, please log into myAccess and click on "Sign In" to complete your registration process and read information about being a 赌钱app可以微信提现 Access Services notetaker.

If you have any difficulty with the application, please email the notetaker staff for assistance.

Notetakers must deliver course notes by uploading them to myAccess within 24 hours after the end of each class. Exceptions to this process may be discussed with the notetaker coordinator.

Once you have received assignments, you may then upload your notes into the 赌钱app可以微信提现 myAccess Portal.

Loading Notes into myAccess

  1. Go to the 赌钱app可以微信提现 myAccess Portal
  2. Use your 赌钱app可以微信提现 Student ID credentials to select the Notetaker Tab on the top left.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to view the classes in which you are the assigned notetaker.
  4. Under File Information, select the following for the notes you are uploading:
    1. class
    2. week
    3. day
  5. Click “Choose File” to select the file. Click “Upload.”

Scanners and Smartphone Apps

If you need to upload handwritten notes, scanners are available in the Student Center and Academic Resource Center "Ask Desk" at no cost for notetakers during business hours. Simply present your student ID for access.

There are a variety of free apps that can use the camera on your phone to create PDF files. Please be considerate of the quality of the scanned document and remember that you should upload one file per lecture; so, if you have multiple scanned pages for a lecture, combine them into a single file. Optional scanner apps include:

  • Tiny Scanner
  • Clear Scanner
  • iFiles Converter Lite
  • PDF Converter
  • DocAs Lite
  • Image to PDF converter
  • iPhone Scanner App
  • Genius Scan
myAccess is accessible 24 hours a day from any computer with an internet connection.

Exceptions to uploading notes: If you need to request an alternative method for sharing notes, you should contact the notetaker coordinator to discuss.

Additional Information and Instructions

Notetakers are expected to keep all information regarding student(s) with disabilities confidential. If you are given the name of the student, please keep that information confidential.

Notetakers must be enrolled in the class for which they are taking notes. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the notetaker coordinator prior to assignment.

Notetakers are responsible for emailing the notetaker coordinator if a notetaker is not needed in the class because the professor provides complete lecture notes.

PowerPoint slides without complete additional notes are not always an acceptable form of notes, so please check with the notetaker coordinator for verification. If complete notes are provided by the professor your assignment may be canceled and your payment will be prorated from the last week you provided notes.

File formats can be either PDF or a Word document. Handwritten notes (must be clearly legible) can be scanned and saved as a PDF file. You should upload one file per lecture. If you have multiple scanned pages for a lecture, combine them into a single file.

The format for the name of the file should be the course name (e.g., ANTH 102) and date (e.g., Sept. 1).

If there are no notes for a class meeting, please load a file stating the reason “no notes for today” and the reason why (e.g., test day, field trip, professor canceled class).

Notetakers must inform the notetaker coordinator immediately if there is a conflict of interest with an Access student related to notetaking services. A conflict of interest may include taking notes for a family member, friend, someone you are dating, spouse or partner. Access Services reserves the right to cancel a notetaking assignment should staff feel the conflict of interest may compromise a notetaker's ability to provide class notes for any reason.

If notetakers are absent from class, they must arrange for a substitute to take notes and provide them to the student. Notetakers should contact the notetaker coordinator via email if notes cannot be provided within 24 hours after the end of the class period. Frequent delays and absences may result in cancellation of a notetaking assignment.

Notetakers are expected to follow 赌钱app可以微信提现's Student Code of Conduct as well as 赌钱app可以微信提现's Acceptable Use policy. Failure to do so may result in cancellation of a notetaking assignment. Payments for canceled assignments will be prorated from the last week the notetaker provided notes.

Notetakers are paid $50 per credit hour. Payment for labs or hands-on courses may be determined on a case-by-case basis. Payments for canceled assignments will be prorated from the last week the notetaker provided notes. If a notetaker is canceled within the first two weeks of being assigned, no payment will be provided.

Payments are processed at the end of the semester. Please allow 2-4 weeks, but payments typically arrive sooner.

If you encounter a problem during your time as a notetaker, please contact Access Services immediately, as it may take several days or more to resolve. The earlier a concern is expressed, the sooner we can attempt to resolve it.  Please email the notetaker coordinator

Notetaking Frequently Asked Questions

Signing up to be a notetaker does not mean that you are automatically given the assignment. Occasionally, more than one student may sign-up to serve as a notetaker in a class but only one person is selected for the position. If you receive an assignment notification via email from the Notetaking Coordinator, you’ll be given your course assignment for notetaking. Notetakers are paid per class, not per student. Multiple students could be receiving your notes; however, you will be paid one amount for the class.

Access Services notetakers must be currently enrolled in the class that they are taking notes in. In rare circumstances, notetakers could be recruited to take notes for a separate section of the same class.
If you have been assigned and are having difficulty or did not receive the confirmation email, please contact our office immediately.

If you do not want to take notes in a particular course, please do not confirm your assignment. If you confirmed your assignment and changed your mind, contact Notetaking Services immediately at as we must find another notetaker promptly.

Access Services requires that you upload your notes online, unless informed by our department of another arrangement. Contact the notetaking coordinator at