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Johnson County Community College full-time faculty may join the Faculty Association, which represents the interests of faculty in negotiating salaries and benefits with the College administration and the Board of Trustees. The FA also represents the faculty in other capacities, such as providing political advocacy at the local, state and national levels.
The Johnson County Community College Faculty Association is a member of the Kansas NEA and NEA. It was chartered in 1979 and has represented the individual and collective interests of its members for over 30 years. 赌钱app可以微信提现FA/KNEA/NEA is also the exclusive bargaining agent under the Kansas Professional Negotiations Act
Membership in the FA/KNEA provides members with a number of benefits, including a $1,000,000 insurance coverage for attorney assistance with liability-related issues.
Officers of the 赌钱app可以微信提现FA are elected annually.
The officers for 2024-25 are:
Andrea Vieux, President (Associate Professor of Political Science)
OCB 232, Box 36
avieux@rf518.com, ext. 3387
Irene Olivares, Vice President (Associate Professor of History)
MTC 342, Box 36
iolivare@rf518.com, ext. 2651
Danny Alexander, Secretary/Recorder (Professor of English)
LIB 301F, Box 80
dalexand@rf518.com, ext. 3429
Lisa Parrott, Treasurer (Associate Professor of Business Administration)
GEB 257A, Box 37
lparrot2@rf518.com, ext. 3713
Amanda Glass, UniServ Rep (Associate Professor of Chemistry)
CLB 324, Box 19
aglass9@rf518.com, ext. 3478
Brett Cooper, Past President (Professor/Director of Math Resource Center)
LIB 104E, Box 73
bcoope10@rf518.com, ext. 3579
For more information, visit the 赌钱app可以微信提现 Faculty Association blog.